Microsoft: PowerPoint and Excel
AR through Blippar & Expeditions
TES Teach: New Norms Gallery Walk
Google Keep: Your Private Assistant
Poll Everywhere: Choose Your Stand
Jigsaw Planet: Helps Our Brains
MOOC via Coursera
Biteable: Create Professional Video Within Minutes
Google Meet: World on The Screen
E-books: Same Weight, Different Number of Pages
Flipsnack: Create & Experience E-book At Its Best
Khan Academy: World-Class Academy
PuzzleMaker@Discovery Education
Pixton: How Comics Can Be Effective Tools in Teaching & Learning
Google Classroom: Future Classroom
Instagram Story Template: Teachnology's Edition
Coggle: Strength Lies in The Roots
Powtoon: Animation in Education
Schoology: The Study of A Place to Study
Quizizz: Quizzes Are My Fave!